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Exact p-Adics

A Magma package for exact p-adic computation


Advanced users only. You only need to know about getters if you wish to implement a new exact p-adic algorithm at a low-level (i.e. not built entirely out of intrinsics already supplied by this package) or implement a new compound p-adic type.



In this package, a getter is a computation which has p-adic dependencies in the sense that it requires certain p-adic values to be known to certain precisions before it can be evaluated. Getters underpin the whole package: a FldPadExactElt has a field update which is a function taking as input an absolute precision and returning a getter; evaluating this getter has the side-effect of increasing the absolute precision of the element to at least the given precision.

We encapsulate getters into the new type ExactpAdics_Gettr, and intrinsics which directly deal with getters are documented here.

A getter is essentially represented by a function getDeps returning a list of dependencies, and a function getValue which computes the value assuming the dependencies are met. There is also a state which is passed around by these functions so they can be stateful. A dependency is simply a pair <x,apr> of a p-adic value x (a FldPadExactElt or RngUPolElt_FldPadExact, etc.) and an absolute precision apr (a Val_FldPadExact, etc.), meaning that x is required to be known to absolute precision apr. Note that these dependencies may themselves have dependencies, and so we have a tree of dependencies. Evaluating the getter therefore involves traversing this tree from the leaves upward, satisfying dependencies as we go and computing values.

As an optimization, if two dependencies <x,apr1>, <x,apr2> in the tree are for the same p-adic value x, then the nodes are fused into the node <x, apr1 join apr2>. Also if <x,apr> is a dependency and the absolute precision of x is already apr then we may immediately trim the whole subtree.


ExactpAdics_Getter (state, getDeps, getValue)

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

Creates a new getter with initial state state. getDeps must be a procedure(~state, ~deps) assigning to deps a list of <x,apr> pairs such that the computation depends on the absolute precision of x being at least apr. getValue must be a procedure(~state, ~value) which either assigns to value, giving the value of the getter, or does not assign to value meaning that the computation has more dependencies, and hence getDeps needs to be called again.

ExactpAdics_ConstGetter (X)

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

The getter returning X.

ExactpAdics_NullGetter ()

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

The getter with no dependencies that does nothing.

ExactpAdics_GeneralGetter (state, getGetter, getValue)

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

A new getter with more general dependencies. getGetter must be a procedure(~state, ~getter) assigning to getter a getter, which is a dependency. getValue must be a procedure(gvalue, ~state, ~value) which is like getValue for ExactpAdics_Getter except it now takes the extra input gvalue shich is the value of the getter assigned by getGetter.


Evaluate (g :: ExactpAdics_Gettr)

-> Any

Evaluates the getter and retuns its value.


Apply (f, g :: ExactpAdics_Gettr)

Compose (g :: ExactpAdics_Gettr, f)

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

Applies f to the output of g.

ApplyProcedure (f, g :: ExactpAdics_Gettr)

ComposeProcedure (g :: ExactpAdics_Gettr, f)

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

Applies the procedure f to the output of g, and sets the output Value.


ApplyGetter (f, g :: ExactpAdics_Gettr)

'mod' (g :: ExactpAdics_Gettr, f)

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

The getter which returns the return value of f(return value of g). If AllowConst is false then f must return a getter; if true then f may return a non-getter, in which case this is the value of the returned getter.


ApplyGetter (f, gs :: [ExactpAdics_Gettr])

'mod' (gs :: [ExactpAdics_Gettr], f)

ComposeGetter (g :: ExactpAdics_Gettr, f)

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

The getter which returns the return value of f(return value of gs[1], …).



Flatten (gs :: [ExactpAdics_Gettr])

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

The getter whose value is the list of values of the given gettrs. If Sequence is true, the value is coerced to a sequence. If Universe is given, the value is coerced to a sequence with this universe.


'&cat' (gs :: [ExactpAdics_Gettr])

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

The getter whose value is the sequence of values of gs.

Short-circuit reductions

ShortCircuitReduce (gs :: [ExactpAdics_Gettr], f)

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

Given a function f taking any subsequence of S=[<i, Evaluate(gs[i])> : i in [1..#gs]] and returning either false,_ when the result is unknown or true,val when the result is known, where val is independent of the subsequence of S, returns the getter which evaluates to val. f(S) must return true.

Exists (gs :: [ExactpAdics_Gettr])

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

The getter whose value is true iff there exists g in gs so that f(Evaluate(g)) is true.

ForAll (gs :: [ExactpAdics_Gettr])

-> ExactpAdics_Gettr

The getter whose value is true iff for all g in gs f(Evaluate(g)) is true.