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Exact p-Adics 2

A Magma package for exact p-adic computation




Creation of cartesian products

ExactpAdics_CartesianProduct (components :: Tup)

-> SetCart_PadExact

The cartesian product of the components.

CartesianPower (S :: StrPadExact, n :: RngIntElt)

-> SetCart_PadExact

The nth cartesian power of S.

Creation of tuples

We can coerce the following to an exact tuple:

IsCoercible (C :: SetCart_PadExact, X)

-> BoolElt, Any

True if X is coercible to an element of C. If so, also returns the coerced element.

Basic operations

NumberOfComponents (C :: SetCart_PadExact)

-> RngIntElt

The number of components of C.

'@' (i :: RngIntElt, C :: SetCart_PadExact)

-> StrPadExact

The ith component of C.

Components (C :: SetCart_PadExact)

-> Tup

The components of C.

'#' (T :: Tup_PadExact)

-> RngIntElt

The number of elements of T.

'@' (i :: RngIntElt, T :: Tup_PadExact)

-> PadExactElt

The ith element of T.

ToTuple (T :: Tup_PadExact)

-> Tup

Converts T to a regular tuple.

ToSequence (T :: Tup_PadExact)

-> []

Converts T to a sequence.