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Exact p-Adics 2

A Magma package for exact p-adic computation


Bits and bobs not belonging to the main features of the package, but needed by the package and useful nonetheless.


Default associative arrays

The new type AssocDflt is an associative array with a default value. Hence it may be used to describe a function which is constant save for finitely many exceptions.

IsCoercible_DefaultAssociativeArray (x)

-> BoolElt, AssocDflt

True if we can create a default associative array with default x.

IsCoercible_DefaultAssociativeArray (x, keys, values)

-> BoolElt, AssocDflt

True if we can create a default associative array with default x and given keys and values.

IsCoercible_DefaultAssociativeArray (x, y)

IsCoercible_DefaultAssociativeArray (x, y :: Assoc)

IsCoercible_DefaultAssociativeArray (x, y :: [Tup])

-> BoolElt, AssocDflt

True if we can create a default associative array with default x and values y.

DefaultAssociativeArray (x)

-> AssocDflt

The default associative array with default value x.

DefaultAssociativeArray (x, ys)

-> AssocDflt

The default associative array with default value x and keys and values specified by ys (an associative array or sequence of <key,value> pairs).

DefaultAssociativeArray (x, keys, values)

-> AssocDflt

The default associative array with default value x, and given keys and values.

Print (x :: AssocDflt, lvl :: MonStgElt)


'@' (i, x :: AssocDflt)

-> Any

The value at index i of x.

ApplyPointwise (f, x :: AssocDflt, y :: AssocDflt)

-> AssocDflt

Applies the function f pointwise to values of x and y.

ApplyPointwise (f, x :: AssocDflt)

-> AssocDflt

Applies the function f pointwise to values of x.

Image (x :: AssocDflt)

-> {}

The set of possible output values.

DefaultValue (x :: AssocDflt)

-> Any

The default value of x.

SpecialAssociativeArray (x :: AssocDflt)

-> Assoc

The associative array of the special values of x.

SpecialKeys (x :: AssocDflt)

-> Assoc

The keys of special values of x.

Zip (xs :: [AssocDflt])

-> AssocDflt

The array [i] -> [x(i) : x in xs]. The inputs must have compatible indices.

ZipApplyPointwise (f, xs :: [AssocDflt])

-> AssocDflt

The array [i] -> f([x(i) : x in xs]). Equivalent to ApplyPointwise(f,Zip(xs)).

ForAll (x :: AssocDflt, f)

-> BoolElt

True if f(x(i)) is true for all i.

ForAll (x :: AssocDflt, y :: AssocDflt, f)

-> BoolElt

True if f(x(i),y(i)) is true for all i.


A basic scheme for promoting values in different structures to a common strucure.

IsPromotable (x, y)

-> BoolElt, Any, Any

True if x and y are promotable to the same parent.

Promote (x, y)

-> Any, Any

Promotes x and y to a common type.