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Exact p-Adics 2

A Magma package for exact p-adic computation

Multivariate polynomials


Creation of rings

PolynomialRing (F :: FldPadExact, k :: RngIntElt)

-> RngMPol_FldPadExact

The polynomial ring of rank k over F.

Basic operations on rings

BaseRing (R :: RngMPol_FldPadExact)

-> FldPadExact

The base ring of R.

Rank (R :: RngMPol_FldPadExact)

-> RngIntElt

The rank of R.

Generator (R :: RngMPol_FldPadExact, i :: RngIntElt)

-> RngMPolElt_FldPadExact

The ith generator of R.

Generators (R :: RngMPol_FldPadExact)

-> []

The generators of R.

Creation of polynomials


The following are coercible to a multivariate polynomial in R:

IsCoercible (R :: RngMPol_FldPadExact, X)

-> BoolElt, Any

True if X is coercible to an element of R. If so, also returns the coerced element.

Basic operations on polynomials

MonomialCoefficient (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact, m :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact)

-> FldPadExactElt

The coefficient of monomial m in f.

ExponentsCoefficient (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact, e :: [RngIntElt])

-> FldPadExactElt

The coefficient of exponent e in f.

Monomial (R :: RngMPol_FldPadExact, e :: [RngIntElt])

-> FldPadExactElt

The monomial of R with exponents e.

IsDefinitelyMonomial (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact)

-> BoolElt, []

True if f is definitely a monomial (i.e. has one term). If so, also returns its exponents.

Exponents (m :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact)

-> []

The exponents of m, which must be a monomial.

'-' (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact)

'+' (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact, g :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact)

'-' (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact, g :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact)

'*' (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact, g :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact)

'/' (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact, x :: FldPadExactElt)

'&+' (fs :: [RngMPolElt_FldPadExact])

'&*' (fs :: [RngMPolElt_FldPadExact])

-> RngMPolElt_FldPadExact

Negate, add, subtract, multiply, divide by scalar, sum, product.



Derivative (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact, m :: RngIntElt, v :: RngIntElt)

Derivative (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact, m :: RngIntElt, v :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact)

Derivative (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact, v :: RngIntElt)

Derivative (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact, v :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact)

-> RngMPolElt_FldPadExact

The mth or first derivative of f with respect to variable v.


Evaluate (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact, xs :: [FldPadExactElt])

-> FldPadExactElt

Evaluates f(xs).

Hensel lifting

IsHenselLiftable (fs :: [RngMPolElt_FldPadExact], xs :: [FldPadExactElt])

-> BoolElt, []

True if xs are Hensel liftable to a system of roots of fs. If so, also returns the system of roots.

fs must be a system of n equations of rank n, and xs must be a sequence of n p-adic numbers.




WeakMonomials (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact)

-> []

The monomials of f. Some of the corresponding coefficients may be zero.

WeakCoefficients (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact)

-> []

The coefficients of f corresponding to WeakMonomials(f).

WeakCoefficientsAndMonomials (f :: RngMPolElt_FldPadExact)

-> [], []

The coefficients and monomials of f.